Wednesday 3 July 2013

ChildBirth Made Easy.

My little angel is 6 years today!! Her name is Success! while celebrating her today, I can't help but remember that I laboured for 3days just for her to come forth! Not because she didn't want to come to this beautiful world but for the negligence of the nurses on duty at that time. I must tell you that I also was to blame because I didn't apply the principles in the word of God but believed in my strength which failed me but for the intervention of God that came to my rescue I won't be alive today! After her delivery I had problems with my legs and could not walk well for a while but thanks to the Almighty God for healing me.
It was after her birth that my weight gain was tripled! But all the same it was a beautiful experience that no woman will be able to explain to you except you experience childbirth yourself and tell the story your own way.
Recently I was pondering about what the scripture says about childbirth after the fall of man in Gen 3:16 "Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee". It was indeed a curse to the woman and many women are experiencing it! But in the beginning it was not so! The scripture says " Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing" (1Tim 2: 15a) friends this  should be the report of every woman that believes that Jesus paid the price for every curse that was meant to destroy her!
Believe me when I say child birth is easy only if you have faith on the word of God!! Hmmn... I know a lot of ladies will wink at me! My third child was one of the best experience of childbirth that made me truly believe that the curse is over for me as a child of God.
In the space of 20minutes, I had contraction and delivery at the same time and it was over!
Some people will say Justina don't just go there at all, it is because you have previous experience. Yah, they may be right in some way! The difference was my absolute trust in the holy spirit and not my strength. That was what did the magic! I was quietly blasting in tongues at the labor ward and indeed the holy spirit proved His presence.
The secret of quick delivery is to be in the Spirit at the time of pain and keep speaking in tougues until you push your baby out! It works very well because the Holy Spirit is always in a hurry to do His work right on time!!

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