Monday 15 July 2013

When will I get Married?

Last night Mike told Adaora that he was tired of her and never wants to see her again because she was not attractive to him again. Adaora my childhood friend was traumatised because she gave him 5 years of her life trying to impress him in the relationship and she was angry with herself for wasting time in an unfruitful relationship inspite of warnings from all quarters!! As she was crying and talking to me on phone, she screamed at me; when will I get married? How will I start a new relationship again? Why is my life so miserable? God is not fair to me? .....and so on!
I can’t remember all the questions she was asking me but I must tell you that I was speechless and I couldn’t answer her because I was not prepared for those questions at that time! But today by the grace of God I intend to do justice to this issue about waiting matured singles who feel that all hope is lost! Listen carefully please! It is not what happens to a man but what happens IN that man that counts!
Christian singles should rise up and say that they are going to make God their heart’s greatest desire and not pursue relationships the way the rest of the world does. I will like to say that only God can bring a godly spouse to you! So you must make yourself godly to get the BEST from God. You should be able to say Lord inspite of what I see, I am going to do what I believe you called me to do and have the standards you called me to have. I think that is the starting point, making it an issue of obedience to God.
Today many Christian singles are disillusioned with the way romantic relationships are handled. You desperately want something better, but what you long for won’t come by putting a new name on old attitudes. We have to change our attitudes now!
You may be asking yourself, why must I be through all these pains and heartbreaks and age is not on my side. Look friend the Bible says that weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. So don’t lose hope, your morning of Joy shall surely come today! All these pains happen to you because you are special and chosen by God!
Hear this! You belong to the Jacob generation and loved by God, right from when you were in your mother’s womb. You may have a lot of questions to ask but all I know about God is that He never fails. Most singles ask these questions always; how long will I wait for the right man or lady? Can I manage anyone that comes my way? My candid answer to these questions are; It won’t be long you will be fully settled in your respective homes but never settle for less! God has the best for you. He can’t give you serpent instead of bread. Listen, He will not only give you bread but will also apply butter to it.
No matter how many relationships you have been that have failed and your mind keeps telling you that you are getting old, relax God is in charge! Do you want to hear the truth, many people are desperate to get married and may conceal some secrets from you that only trained eyes, ears and heart can detect. Please listen to your heart, no matter how far you have gone in the relationship if you start developing cold feet, pray about it. Keep praying until God shows you what to do next. Eventually, you will have to make the decision whether to marry him/her or not. Most importantly, follow the peace of God and if you have no peace about the relationship, now is the time to have a serious talk with the man/woman and I support a broken engagement than a broken marriage! Yes break up!
God has a plan for your life; He has a woman/man that He will lead into your life to fulfil His purpose. Prayerfully let go of a wrong relationship and see what God will do. He will never put those who depend on Him to shame. Your life will be full of testimonies of His goodness when you diligently follow the leading of His Spirit.
Welcome to your season of a Change in Status! This is your season to be married! God will NEVER and I repeat NEVER fail you!!

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