Tuesday 30 July 2013

My Fears!!

While growing up I used to be so scared of mice that I could not stand seeing a rat running in front of me. Peradventure it happens, just forget me! I will run away from that environment and you will have to beg me to come back. But now, when I see it, I will look for anything to kill it! I think I overcame the phobia from mice now and I must tell you that I’m glad about it. Supposing I’m still scared about mice then what will I tell my children today? That mummy is scared of rat and can’t defend them? No way!
I noticed that if you have a phobia, you probably realize that your fear is unreasonable, yet you still can’t control your feelings. Just thinking about the feared object or situation may make you anxious. And when you’re actually exposed to the thing you fear, the terror is automatic and overwhelming.
Having a phobia doesn’t mean you’re crazy! It also helps to know that phobias are highly treatable. You can overcome your anxiety and fear, no matter how out of control it feels.
Through repeated experiences facing your fear, you’ll begin to realize that the worst isn’t going to happen; you’re not going to die or “lose it”. With each exposure, you’ll feel more confident and in control. The phobia begins to lose its power.

I had phobia driving a car that it took me a long time to overcome the fears. It was so strong that my husband could not teach me! I blamed it on my husband that he was not patient with me and I wanted someone else who will understand with me. Do you know what get me scared at that time when I’m on the steering was other vehicles or trucks! It seems they want to hit me! I also get scared of very busy routes. But when my younger brother started teaching me, he was taking me to the routes I feared the most and my heart will be beating! Even if it is a rainy day, I will be sweating because of the fear.
At a point I was telling my brother that I prefer my husband’s teaching than him because he seems hard when teaching! He kept doing what he was doing not minding my complaining until in just one week I overcame my fear from driving. I noticed that he made me face my fear with a determination to succeed.
It’s only natural to want to avoid the thing or situation you fear. But when it comes to conquering phobias, facing your fears is the key. While avoidance may make you feel better in the short-term, it prevents you from learning that your phobia may not be as frightening or overwhelming as you think.

Like, if you have phobia from height you shouldn’t directly initiate testing with 5th floor. Start with 1st floor and see for how long you can take it.
Fear is a reality of life. It is true for believers and anyone else. However, those who are grounded in faith and spirituality, find that they have God to lean back on when the going gets tough. We don't have to let fear defeat us. We can triumph over it and feel safe.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7).
I usually get frightened when speaking in front of groups. I can’t remember if it was just a normal fear or Phobia. But one day my boss directed me to make a presentation at a staff meeting. When I stood up, I realized that I was very nervous because of all the eyes staring at me and waiting to hear what I will say! My throat was dry and my feet were shaking!! I thank God for the Holy Spirit that day because deep in my heart I was just calling for His help before I disgrace myself! Then I began the presentation by acknowledging my fears and focusing momentarily on something else. After the presentation, my boss was very impressed and the next time I spoke, I wasn't quite so nervous. I can give presentations anywhere without my heart gasping for fear! Thanks to God!!
If the devil has another name, it is Fear. He strives to enter our minds and put a fear in us that is a living thing. It nags us, follows us and torments us.
Jesus dealt with fear by pointing to faith as the answer. In the height of the storm on Galilee, His disciples were overcome with fear. Then they asked Him a question that only increased their doubts and fears: "Master, carest thou not that we perish?"
After Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, "Where is your faith? Why were you so afraid?" He was saying, 'Look, the very faith I have in My Father you can have. The very fact that I was able to find strength to relax and be strong in this storm means that you can find that same strength. You don't have to be afraid. Why are you so fearful when you can have this relationship with God, when you can open up yourself and give and expect a miracle? Where is your faith?"
Our feelings will lie to us. In life we are dealing with reality, not just feelings. When we analyze the problem of fear, nine times out of ten we find that we are guilty of wrong believing. We believe that God doesn't care about what happens to us. This is what Satan, "the father of lies' would have us believe. Faith and fear both come from our believing. Wrong believing brings fear. Right believing brings faith.
When fear becomes immobilizing or interferes with your normal functions, it's time to seek counselling.
The Apostle Paul in his letters in the bible wrote frequently of the need to focus on the good things in life, not the bad. "Whatever is true," he wrote to the Philippians, "whatever is honourable, whatever is commendable, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Finally, turn your mind away from your fear, make a list of pleasant thoughts and memories and add to it regularly. When you are tempted to start dwelling on something negative, you will have something that's good and true to put in your minds to replace it with. Don’t ever forget that a fear faced is often a fear defeated!!





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