Thursday 6 June 2013

Weight Gain Palava (Part 2)

I don’t know if I’m actually different but one thing you can’t take away from me is an adventurous healthy life style. I do not like to be addressed as a fat woman or a slim woman. If I'm called by these words, I feel too fat or too slim!!  If you read my article on “My Journey to weight loss and gain (part 1) you will understand a bit of where I’m coming from and bear in mind that I was actually childish and always wanted to look good! Some will say, copy cat! yes that is a child's mind set to copy what they see in their environment. Even adults behave like children at times.
While relaxing in my couch and sipping a glass of chilled water, I just remembered one of my childish attitudes again! Sorry to bother you again with my stories but just can’t keep it inside. I just want to deviate a bit.......
I naturally have long and black hair as a very young child and people normally admire it or say my hair was bigger than my body. Most times they say my hair was eating up my flesh that was why I was thin!! My parent didn’t mind what people were saying but as I began to constantly hear the comments I didn’t want to plait and grow my hair anymore!
One day, my Dad came home with a calendar for the New Year and I saw a picture of a little girl wearing haircut and hurrah! I have seen how I want to look!! All my attention was to have my hair cut. I kept worrying my Mum until she was tired and she cut my hair herself when my Dad travelled. Though I felt better and happy with myself but my Dad was really angry with me. What’s my business about any ones feelings?? Lol.

For now, I’m simply me! I don’t bother myself about my weight anymore. But I make sure I eat healthy and exercise. My kind of exercise is when I’m doing the chores in my home (Please don’t say it not good enough!) because when I’m through each day with the chores in my home, I’m completely fatigued!
I actually want to know why most women add a lot of weight when they start having children. Some become so fat that you can barely recognise them when you see them while women who are mindful about their weight are always trendy at all-time even after having their kids.
I will never forget when I had my second child, I don’t know how it all happened but I became so fat that I could not take a walk without panting! It was so bad that my Mum and Husband called me to ORDER!! What is this fatness about? Was their question to me and I was like it was not my fault!! Friends do me a favour, please do not ask me “then whose fault”? (hmnn…… silent answer, my big mouth). The truth of the matter was that I was eating everything to be able to have more milk to breast feed my baby well. After their counsel, I had to cut down so many things and started exercising to trim down and look trendy!
I’m not a sport person but because I wanted to trim down my size, I started morning jogging with a friend who was a banker but not married then, she only wanted to keep fit. She was so good in jogging and exercising.
The first day, we jogged for a while and came back. I felt good about myself and continued with the skipping rope. When it was weekend, she said we were going to jog round the estate and I said wow I’m ready.

Forget me that day, after jogging round the estate I couldn’t walk back to my house again!! I quietly took a taxi back to my house! For one week, I was nursing the pain in my legs because I couldn’t walk. Guys when I got better, I stopped morning jogging because it was not working for me!!
I feel sorry for people who will call me a lily liver, I don’t care!! I have the right to make my own choice and so I choose to do my house chores as a way of exercising and cutting down on too much carbohydrates and fatty foods. I just eat healthy every day and it is really working for me.
By the grace of God I’m a mother of three today and looking trendy with the determination that whatever I set to do in life, I can achieve it through the help of GOD my MAKER.








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